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Sunday, November 21, 2010

It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?

Take an story :

Thejus applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews.
His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles.
During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job.
Jim applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job.
In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time.
He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Allan.
What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.

Be positive..

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sell your Dreams

Dear Reader,

Today, I was meditating on the thought what our Director shared with us.He was simply said that 'We have to know how to sell our dreams'. That was a very inspiring thought for me.

How we can sell our thoughts ? what you people thinks ... Can we?
I believe we can definitely sell our dreams to achieve a greater goals. That is one of the greatest leadership norms in todays world.Many people in this world are saying that they themselves a leader.They gives lots of definition for a leader.But this is the one of the major ability what a leader need or develop.

Selling our dreams is not a big deal.We should take some personal initiatives to achieve this goal.Nobody will energize you to sell your dreams.It is your duty to find out methods to sell our dreams, should be innovative.
Learn to sell your dreams...Be an achiever....

Love & Regards

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dear Reader,
I am extremely happy to present you about to my theme that Get out of your comfort zones. Wherever in our life,We have to change some risks, eventhough we are not intrested.Some people are ready to take courage, others used to try to escape from this condition.

We are the people who came here with lots of potentials & abilities.But the problem is we don't know how to use it.We were struggled even to do a new thing even its a silly thing.Our creator has a very clear purpose about our life.Our mission in this world, our duty is to accomplish that.

In my perspective, our life is like a visiting visa.Even in a visa, we have to requested for that.But we don't nothing about before our existence, where were you before our birth,where will be you after your death.When we think in this pattern, we can take our life seriously.We have only one chance,we never ever get a chance to get back the time.Its beyond our intellect & wavelength.

So let me remind you my dear friend, try to take caurage do many things.Mistakes can be happen.It should because with out committing mistakes, nobody is learn.So try to do new things, take lessons from our lives,
Try to accomplish our God's plan

Best wishes to all...Looking for your comments & suggestions

With love